All in one podcast platform with monetization solutions

Instantly get your audio on all podcast platforms. Scale your podcast, gain paying subscribers, and monetize exclusive content on Spotify.

User-friendly and easy for anyone to hop into! Strongly recommended.

200+ upvotes and 5 stars rating Product Hunt

Publish your podcast everywhere

We provide automatic distribution to select partners wherein one click is all you need to get on the shelves.

Comprehend stats

You will be able to understand your show performance (listening, audience feedback, profit, etc.) at a glance.

Share your podcast easily

Firstory’s FLink, is a universal, multi-link tool specially made for podcasters to efficiently (and fabulously) share their podcasts and external links.

See your audience's feedback right away

With our unique cross-platform comment links, our users enjoy a 67.5% Engagement Rate and 27.4% Re-Comment Rate.

One-click to the world

Automatically distribute your podcast to all major platforms with just one click. Subsequent episode uploads are also automatically updated!

Unlimited storage and bandwidth

Upload as much files as you want and receive as much traffic as you can get. Create without limitations!

Monetize your content (Global version coming soon!)

Turn your podcasting hobby into a lifestyle and career as you monetize your content.

One-Time Donation

Set up your podcasting tip jar: Set your donation link’s URL, and donation amounts, and receive one-time donations from your supporters.

Monthly Recurring Donation

Membership-only strategy: Create exclusive content, behind-the-scenes, early-access, exclusive community groups, and other rewards for your loyal supporters.

Customize tiers

Flexible and customizable: Set the subscription amount and rewards for each tier.

Mobilize through the Creator App

Experience real-time sync with this ubiquitous platform, coupled with FLink QR Code integration.

As a creator who can code, Firstory always listens to the creator community and solves the pain point during the daily creator life. Take FLink as an example. It helps to reduce the process and time when creating a post with the link with all players. Also, the Apple Podcast reviews function to understand the listener feedbacks with one click. Those changes and the creator focus culture help creators, and I appreciate seeing them grow. I strongly recommend the hosting service to you.

Universal FLink tool​

Quickly scale your reach with FLink, our self-updating solution to all your links across multiple platforms. Tried and tested with a 20% conversion rate.

Cross-platform comment space

Effortlessly gather audience feedback across all directories. Our current users enjoy a 67.51% engagement rate and 27.44% re-comment rate.

Collect Voicemails

Easily receive and download voice messages from your fans. You can even use them to enrich your show’s episodes!




Conversion rate through FLink


Comment Engagement rate


Re-comment rate

Who uses Firstory for their podcast?

Firstory is the most popular podcast hosting service in Asia, and it is used by major media companies and key influencers.